Goods Inward (Deliveries)

Goods Inward is a managed, accurate and secure method of receiving stock into your store(s).  This can be manual or automatic from a previously raised Purchase Order (received fully or partially)

  • Create a ‘Manual’ Goods Inward where you simply select a supplier and then ‘book in’ the relevant qtys
  • Book in products from previously raised Purchase Orders automatically with just a few clicks
  • Reduces chance of errors or mistakes when booking in
  • Fashion Matrix option available for quick booking in of products which arrive in different colours and sizes
  • Goods Inward can deal with short or part deliveries and leaves the order ‘part received’ under the balance of stock comes in
  • Helps you to keep on-top of your suppliers and ensure stock arrives on time

It is also possible to move products between your different store locations using our Inter-Branch Transfer feature.